Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

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 Use Linux to Rejuvenate Old Computers
by Hoo Ann

With the rapid change of today's technology, computers become obsolete very fast. The latest versions of Windows and Mac are now incompatible with outdated computers. But with Linux, which is well known for running very well on old hardware, you still can utilize your outdated computer for many things. In this article, I will show you some tips to keep your old computers useful with the help of Linux.

Cheap Robots to Replace American Jobs - Unfortunately, They Will Be Made in China
by Lance Winslow

Many Americans believe that China is the reason we've lost so many jobs. Whereas, it is true that they have been engaged in currency manipulation, and often unfair trade practices, they aren't doing anything any differently than many of our other trading partners.

What Is An Exchange Server? The Best Email Server, In My Opinion
by Andrew Eugene

What is an Exchange Server? The fact that you are searching for information on this software, lets me know that you are probably new to electronic email servers, but not new to the field of Information technology.

Contact Management Software for Realtors
by Wm Jimenez

Contact management software is both an operational and advertising tool created for small to medium sized businesses. This type of software offers business owners and or managers a dedicated database to store detailed accounts of all dealings and transactions with customers, clients and staff. Contact management software offers an ideal solution for real estate and other industry professionals to manage business contacts and activities.

Technology All CG Artists Should Know About
by Chris Waldo

CG artists spend hours on top of hours to grind out designs. These designs take skill, precision, patience, hard work, and talent. What comes from these designs? Some companies pay for this work, but what would you say if I told you that you can physically bring these models to life?

Material Science Behind 3D Printing
by Chris Waldo

The materials involved within 3D printing are very interesting in my opinion. A material exists for virtually any application, whether it be for the interior of a jet engine, or for a character model. Read more to find out about some of these materials.

Key Factors to Find Out the Best SEO Services Company
by Thomas Lenarz

Internet is one of the sources through which people are getting useful information about any topic or field. For effective online business establishment SEO service is really very important.

iPod Touch Apps - The Reason It Is the Most Versatile MP3 Player In The World
by Danny Shilling

When it comes to the MP3 player, there is no questioning the fact that Apple has all of its bases covered. Ever since the original iPod made its way onto store shelves, Apple has basically dominated the portable music market. Even though they already had the MP3 player market covered, Apple wanted to take their innovation to the next level. In late 2007, the iPod Touch was released, which would completely redefine the functionality of the modern MP3 player.

When Nanjing IOT Wireless Sensor Networks Meet the Cloud Tech
by Yanni Wang

A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of a large number of low-cost, low-power, multifunctional and resource-constrained sensor nodes with each sensor node consisting of sensing, data processing, and communicating components; these nodes can operate unattended for long durations. Sensor networks are designed with the flexibility to withstand harsh environmental conditions. These are networks of wireless interconnected smart devices designed and deployed to retrieve sensor data of interest from their host environments.

Five Things an IT Manager Should Know About Their Wireless Bill
by Thomas Huegel
"Five things an IT Manager Should Know About Their Wireless Bill" is intended to help those managers control their cellular expenses. From ideas on rate plans, contract negotiations, data rates and services - this is an introductory article to get them started.

Managed Service: A Way To Precise IT Infrastructure Maintenance
by Debbie J Macomber

One out of the primary issues small-scale and medium-sized enterprises face is making the most of available resources without disturbing employee efficiency and functional efficiency. When hiring and coaching extra employees is a choice, working with managed services can give businesses a highly effective solution to their IT management necessities. A lot of businesses currently depend on IT systems to offer essential services to bodily users and consumers.

How To Make Life Easy With DSLR Cameras
by Caitlin Turner

DSLR cameras are getting more and more popular with hobbyists. If you want to get one, here are some guidelines that can help you. Read on, to know more about its features.
3D Printing For Marketing
by Chris Waldo
3D printing has changed the game of marketing in quite a few industries, even if done behind closed doors. The impact of this technology can't be ignored in multiple industries such as product development, the medical world, and certainly the marketing world.

Businesses! The Times They Are a Changin
by Dr Cathy Cameron

The way we conduct business has changed! The "old way" of conducting business is rapidly being altered, changed or entirely replaced. Businesses have to change in order to compete.
Are You Sending Your Data Securely?
by Lucy Penn
For many, 'email encryption' will be an unfamiliar term which doesn't actually carry any significance. In reality email encryption is vital for businesses who regularly send important documents through email.

3D Printing Isn't In The Stone Age Anymore
by Chris Waldo
All forms of technology had to start somewhere at some point, and when a technology begins, it is typically very primitive. I want to talk to you about 3D printing, and how it has blown past this phase as well as where it is today.

Medical Apps, IT Risks, Spectrum Challenges, and Oh Yah the Biggie HIPPA in the Room
by Lance Winslow

With all the malware found in our most favorite apps, it's as if you just can't download anything you want any more without knowing the source, and even if you trust the source, who is to say they haven't been infiltrated. After all, no one wants to get flamed, framed, or blamed these days, and the risks are great for companies who allow data to slip away or for loose lips to sink their ships. Okay so, let's talk about all the new mobile medical devices, and some of the challenges with all this.

Safe Downloading
by Roger J Webb

Hoever careful you are with downloads there's always the risk that you might download something that damages your computer of your files, or spyware that allows strangers to access your confidential material or even use your computer for their own purposes. The majority of sources are perfectly honourable, but those few who are not can cause you no end of problems! So here are a few simple rules

The Evolution of Digital Cameras
by Imran Nasir

The concept of capturing still images evolved from the basic ideas of the camera, with its roots found deep into the historical time frame of the early Chinese as well as Greeks. The first attempt at photography was achieved with the idea of viewing images through the idea of the pin-hole device. This idea of this device was thought of as theologically conceived, based on the earlier concept of a Divine power. The digital camera known today is descended from a long lineage of cameras.

Industrial Manipulators Help Increase Productivity
by Lyndsay Flagel

Using industrial manipulators only has benefits. They help lessen employee injuries and increase productivity with their heavy-duty lifting capabilities.
The Benefits of Customized Training On the Adobe Graphic Design Platform
by Mandi Pralle
Adobe develops an extensive set of applications designed for professionals to use. But beginner computer users can also do a lot of things with these programs once they are familiar with the interface. Adobe Photoshop, for instance, is the most popular out of the professional Adobe applications because the technologies make it a lot easier to edit photos.

Understanding the Basics of Technology
by Belinda Brown

The advancements in technology certainly helped many of us to be able to grow our business in ways that we had never considered possible. The unfortunate thing is, however, since technology is advancing so quickly, it can make it difficult to keep up with the latest.
How to Improve Your Market Value
by Mary Jones
The economy has certainly made a difference in the way many of us look for employment. For some of us, we have lost our jobs and are now looking for a way to reenter the workforce in either the same or perhaps even a better type of situation. Others of us are happy with our current employment,but we would like to be able to improve ourselves in some way or another. One of the things that can be considered, however, is getting further education in your field.

The Advantages of Cloud Computing
by Mandy H. Smith

Company owners that are considering a transition to cloud computing should first understand the advantages of this option. In the case of cloud computing, services are delivered via a network, in this case via internet. In fact, the term 'cloud' is used as a representation of the web.
Organ Replication Is Here
by Chris Waldo
Engineers and medical professionals are working together to add momentum for organ replication! This process has already been done, and is continuing to grow. Read more for details!

IT Support - Outsourcing Vs In House IT Department
by Mark Kandinov

The decision whether to outsource IT support is one that an increasing number of companies are considering due to the advent of cloud computing. IT outsourcing has been going on since the early 1980s, but by allowing companies to pay on a "per-use" basis for the outsourced services, the cloud has made IT support companies more affordable, accessible, and strategically flexible. So the allure of IT outsourcing is greater than ever.
How Tech Support Minimizes Cost
by Mark Kandinov
This article explains the difference in cost of online tech support. The target audience for this article is small to medium business owners.

Searching For IT Support or a Computer Network Services Provider
by Mark Kandinov

Choosing the right IT support will ensure that all of your computer requirements are dealt with in a proper and effectual manner. The target audience for this article is small to medium business owners.
The Past, Present and Future of the Aussie TV Industry
by Michael M Moussa
As far as discretionary electrical retail sales go in Australia, in particular the Television sector, it is no secret that the current climate we are presented with has drastically changed the landscape for most operators. In days gone by, the latest "must have" technology had customers pouring into their local retailers concerned first and foremost with owning the latest model with all the bells and whistles, and price was a secondary concern. Unfortunately, over recent years there has been no real "must have" technology release in the television sector.

Benefits of Outsourcing IT Support
by Mark Kandinov

Outsourcing IT support is an efficient way to gain access to knowledgeable IT professionals for a fraction of the price it would cost to hire full time IT experts. The target audience for this article is small to medium business owners.

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